GGHH SE ASIA WEBINAR | Resilience and Healthcare Sustainability in the Time of Covid-19



This GGHH Southeast Asia virtual round table discussion will tackle the current issues being faced by the medical front-liners in battling COVID-19 pandemic and come up with practical and humane solutions to pursue resilient and sustainable health care systems in the process.

Specifically, the session will aim to:
1. Provide a holistic view of the situation the health care system in different Southeast Asian
countries are facing during this COVID19 pandemic;

2. Determine how to address the needs of health care system in attaining resilience and
sustainability; and

3. Recommend ways to strengthen the green hospital agenda and the GGHH network as effective
mechanisms in dealing with the pandemic and other healthcare crises that may come due to
climate and other threats.

For more info about this upcoming GGHH SEA Webinar, or if you need technical assistance, please send an email to  /