Tools & Resources

Fast Facts for Twitter 

1. A fourth of all human diseases can be attributed to environment factors, such as unsafe drinking water, poor hygiene, and pollution.

2. The contribution of environmental factors to the burden of disease will be magnified by the health-related impacts of climate change.

3. Unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, air pollution, automobile accidents, and climate change contribute to widespread disease and death.

4. Nearly a quarter of all human disease and death are caused by these environmental factors.

5. Climate change can accelerate diseases brought on by these environmental factors.

6. With climate change, diseases can become unpredictable and water and food sources can become scarce.

7. The health sector can help with the public health crisis by reducing its own ecological footprint.

Case Studies 


Nepal | Leadership in environmental health in district health posts and hospitals, Gunjaman Singh Hospital. Download case study


Nepal | Safe and Sustainable Waste Management, Gunjaman Singh Hospital. Download case study


Korea | Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Availability of Energy-Saving Practices in the Special Context of a Hospital Environment, Yonsei University Health System. Download case study 

Nepal | Energy-Saving, solar panel, Gunjaman Singh Hospital. Download case study

Taiwan | Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Policies, National Cheng Kung University Hospital. Download case study


Nepal | Safe potable water using the SODIS principle, Gunjaman Singh Hospital. Download case study

Philippines | Hospital engineers discharge cleaner water.  Download case study


Taiwan | Chemicals Used Reduction and Management, Taipei Medical University Hospital. Download Case Study